What was 2014 like for you, armwrestling-wise?
Arm wrestling for me in 2014 was my best year so far, I won a Men's Masters 100 kg right hand - state title( this is how I train for European women - by pulling men, lol). I injured my left shoulder really bad, it's now almost healed ..
What were the 3 best events for you this year?
I would say the three best events for me this year were the Oregon state, were I won my first pro men's state title. And a local event in Utah, where I finally beat Mo Lewis - a locally ranked pro puller. I've been trying for 4 years to beat him, I was so happy. And a charity tournament for St Jude's kids, I won my first super match with a guy, so way cool.
What were the worst armwrestling failures of this year?
Worst fail of the year - not getting a rematch with Sarah Backman. One of the worst fails for me was that I missed qualifying for Arnold's by one spot - I got 4 th in men's 90 kg, and only top 3 get invited. I was really upset but I did my best.
Who would you nominate as the armwrestler of 2014? Any new faces, or surprises from old fighters?
Arm wrestler of the year? Well, I'd go with John Brzenk, after shoulder surgery he still beat Mike Todd and Dave Chaffee. My old training friend Toddzilla never surprises me, he's so good now.
What will 2014 be like for you - any training plans, or comtetitions?
My plans for 2015 - as of now - in February I have my final operations for my female stuff, not sure how long I will be out of pulling, but November is on my list for Poland. I plan on pulling USAF nationals in June, that's it. So far just trying to train and get the best I can be, Irina and Egle are who I focus on pulling, I look up to them very much and hold them in great respect .