Christian Binnie: summing up 2014 >>>

Christian Binnie: summing up 2014 # Armwrestling #

„Andrew Pushkar for Armwrestler of the year!”


What was 2014 like for you, armwrestling-wise?

2014 was an up and down year for me. I wanted to go to Nemiroff to show I am better then what I placed in 2013. I missed the WAL Chicago event due to a lagging knee injury and, at the last minute, had to miss the WAL Atlantic City event.

What were the 3 best events for you this year?

I only was able to compete 2 times this year and neither were my best.

What were the worst armwrestling failures of this year?

My failures would be losing 1 match to Chris Chandler at the Orlando Europe event that I won.. And of course losing to Devon at WAL Las Vegas.. I did absolutely nothing during our last match to try to win. Not that it would have mattered.. But I should have tried something..

Who would you nominate as the armwrestler of 2014? Any new faces, or surprises from old fighters?

Andrew Pushkar for Armwrestler of the year. There are many new faces, the Bulgarian Kid comes to mind. As far as old faces, Todd Hutchins looked really good this year.

What will 2015 be like for you - any training plans, or comtetitions?

I want to WIN EVERY tournament I ENTER AND TRAIN TO DO SO.. I think 2015 is going to be a great year for armwrestling, and I will be entering the WAL New Orleans event. And hopefully other WAL EVENTS. And also if there is another Nemiroff, I would LOVE to enter, especially after my bad showing in 2013.

