Do you forgo training, or on the contrary? >>>

Do you forgo training, or on the contrary? # Armwrestling #

For some this is an off-season, for some it's just a break in tournaments. How do you spend this time? Do you forgo training, or on the contrary - train even harder and make plans for the season?


Robin Marie Chandler

Well usually I pull at least one tournament each month but this yr I have focused more on my personal life than competition. So this slows me more time to train. When I'm pulling every month I'm not really able to train because in between events I'm healing up. As of 2015 I have only about three events planed so I'm able to focus on training more. I honestly don't think I'm good enough to beat Egle or Irina yet so this is what keeps me motivated to train. I do however think I can beat Sarah now but not easy . I judge this from my success in the men's classes. I'm the type of puller if you beat me I'm happy for you but I train like crazy to get a win back on you.

Wagner Bortolatto

In this period there is no competition my workouts follow normal, keep training hypertrophy, strength, speed, endurance, among other capabilities, despite not having competitions that time, my workouts follow normal so that future there is no problem with the my performance.

Christian Gilbert

I like so much off season as much as tournament time cause i lift very heavy during this time and my strenght improve alot during tournament very long rep...

Geoffrey R. Hale Jr

During the off season, I continue to train in the gym and practice my techniques on the table. Practice makes perfect. Therefore, I have no off season. I train and compete year around. I am always thinking ahead and preparing for the future, but I do my best to live in the "now."

Neil Pickup

This quiet period of the year presents an opportunity to train differently & also allow injuries aggravated by tournament or Hard Table time to heal more fully. For me personally I would often make my most significant Physical Strength gains at this time of year whilst my Table Sharpness would often be sacrificed due to the lack of real competition. It's also a great time to experiment with your training & perhaps afford time to areas of your game which lacking or weaker, so that when the Season kicks in you are a more complete & well Rounded Puller.


Iza Małkowska