Vadim Akperov: "Stay hardy and win!” >>>

Vadim Akperov: "Stay hardy and win!” # Armwrestling #

Today we talk with one of the most famous athletes in the average weight class of the world armwrestling, multiple World’s and European champion,  danger of weight class up to 80 kg and uncompromising fighter in absolute class, Vadim Akperov from Russia.


I.I .: I watched your performance in Lotoshino. What went wrong?

VA .: Everything went as I expected. I was never the best on the left hand. The draw has laid down so that we met with Bulenkov in the first match, fought like hell and I could not continue normally.

I.I .: Bulenkov Sasha was able to show his best form in a duel, did he surprise you?

VA .: No, there was no surprise for me. Rather, I surprised him. Because we fought with him before and he had won pretty easily on left hand. In this match, I gave him a good fight. I will continue to work on my left hand improvement.

I.I .: Did you have any tactical errors during the match?

VA .: There seemed to be no mistakes. I did not have enough endurance on the left, but in everything else it was all according to plan.

I.I .: Has Bulenkov’s training level changed technically? Will he be able to show his best fight in the Championship of Russia and international tournaments?

VA .: I do not know if it has changed or not. In fact, Sasha always shows a good fight. But of course he will be able to show the best fight, nobody becomes a honored master of sports just like this.

I.I .: How is your preparation for Russia’s? Your coach, Khadzhimurat Zoloyev, made some amendments after your struggle in Lotoshino?

VA .: Preparation goes on. I decided to have some rest after Lotoshino, and then I'm ready. Khadzhi corrected nothing in the preparation, because there is nothing to correct, I think.

I.I .: Vadim, today the separation of armwrestling amateurs and professionals is being actively discussed. Where do you see yourself in 3 years and why?

VA .: I can not say what will happen tomorrow, because everything in the hands of God. But I enjoy the process of amateur armwrestling: Championship of Russia itself is worth something, European and the World Championships. Most likely, I will perform in amateurs.

I.I .: Who of American athletes would you like to meet?

VA .: If it is my weight class, then it is Jeff Hale. On the right hand I would like to fight with Travis Bagent.

I.I .: Speaking about Sasho Andreev, in your opinion, is he a unique talent or the result of special secret training techniques of Bulgarian coaches?

VA .: Regarding Sasho, it seems to me that such a rapid progress that he demonstrated between European Championship and the World Championship last year is practically impossible with natural training. The situation with the doping control results delay brings up a question about someone interested in it.

I.I .: What should new athletes do to win?

VA .: I myself was once a newcomer and trained by my own. Invented workouts myself. I had no coach. Then fate brought me to Moscow, and I met Khadzhimurat Zoloev, and everything went fine. So, my friends, the main thing is to stay hardy and only then something can be done. Otherwise - nothing happens!


Talked Ilya Izman