I.I .: Time flies, and I see that you are not standing still, all these three years! Congratulations on your success in the World Championship! Tell me, how was it?
JS .: Due to the fact that we had to go urgently to Russia on some business, I "fell out" of the important process of restoration and relaxation before the race. For two weeks we crossed four countries and I came to Lithuania with «stuffed head». I think that on the right hand in the category I was the strongest of all physically, but I do not «waving with hands after losing» ☺. I was too relaxed during my first match with Getalo, and in the final we even didn’t meet which is sad. In any case, as they say, looking forward to a rematch!
I.I .: Your category has never been easy: Stoyan Golemanov, Spartak Zoloyev, Irakliy Gamtenadze, Raymond Antonovich, Igor Paseka, all the names - winners of European and World Championships! Who was the hardest?
JS: I managed to compete with many on the left hand. Spartak won once by fouls, but I still felt confident. During the break before the finals I had a spasm of the left hand forearm muscles. Massaged during all the break, straightened cervical vertebrae, used ice and magnesium, tried to recover, but nothing helped. Just because of poor recovery process prior to the competition, work schedule was very tight. On the right hand passed all more or less successfully. Spartak, unfortunately, did not wrestle on his right hand. I won with Stoyan Golemanov for 2 times, seems to me, because of my power performance. Raymond Antonovich was always making me more problems in the fight with his left hand than the right. At this time at the World’s we did not meet. The heaviest fighting was, after all, with Sasha Getalo. I had to catch him at the start, to set the power fight, but unfortunately, we did not wrestle!
I.I .: What is important for Dmitry Shpannagel’s life now except armwrestling?
JS .: There is a boy, Nikita Onishchenko, his story is known all over the world (the boy suffered from the attack of an employee of the hotel, where he was with his mother on holiday in Greece - Ilya Izman). I am his official representative and has been organizing his medical treatment in Germany, solving different everyday issues. Supervise and lead the entire legal situation with lawyers, assistants, negotiating, signing contracts and write letters to ministers, parlamentaries, foundations and organizations. The theme is very large, time-consuming, difficult and you have to fight just like at the table for armwrestling, only with a lot of opponents at once.
I.I .: What tournaments are you planning to attend next?
JS .: German Championship, probably. I would like to put a record that still has not been put. To win during 10 years in a row on both hands. I hope that happens!
I.I .: How will the armwrestling develop - Amateur or professional way?
JS .: In connection with what is happening in amateur sports, I even lost my motivation. This is a tragedy for our sport! Medals and doping control issues at the last World Championship - as salt in the wound! We need new faces, new functionaries in sports. The future is behind the professional armwrestling - a media and entertainment!
I.I .: Dima, are you a professional or an amateur?
JS .: Amateur with professional "manners"!
I.I .: Who are the professionals you are willing to fight in the armfight?
JS .: I feel ready to compete with Todd Hutchings, subject to the compulsory doping test passing!
I.I .: What is the secret of your preparation for the tournament? What exercises do you like most?
JS .: I try to train all I need for a universal struggle. Prefer «top-roll» technique, but those who know me for the training table, say that I am ready to compete in the "hook".
I.I .: How often you arm wrestle in Germany? Are there decent sparring partners?
JS .: I never train with athletes from Germany. Those who are interesting to me are geographically very far. Guys from Austria come to train with me, 500 km in one direction. They are so willing to train with me that come by 3 cars! Them I am pleased to train and communicate with, talk and show them everything I know!
I.I .: You spent a lot of years in arm wrestling. Give some advice to the young generation armrestlers what mistakes they should avoid?
JS .: To the young guys who have made a choice and decided to devote themselves to the sport, I advise not to tear the body at the start and give it some time to adapt, listen to the body, understand and feel it. Do not use chemistry! Yes, the road will be more difficult, but more efficient and more reliable. Find a competent coach who is both a friend and a brother, we have so many guys like that in armwrestling!
Sport builds character. And most importantly: be "Napoleon"! Set goals that you may not be able to achieve, but such a goal will make you a champion! Your path will consist of a set of steps victories, defeats, tournaments and prizes, but the main goal is there, somewhere far away, but it is important and leads you always forward!
Talked Ilya Izman