PAL Academy Ukraine: lesson one >>>

PAL Academy Ukraine: lesson one # Armwrestling #

The first edition of Igor Mazurenko's new program is over.


Ukrainian armwrestlers had a chance to learn new things about theory and practice of armwrestling. The seminars that took place on 13th and 14th of February, comprised of two parts: theory and experiment.

In the first part, Igor Mazurenko familiarized the fighters with the new system of training creation. The basis of this system is elementary knowledge, about hormonal balance, muscle and muscle fibers, and the relation between power and stamina.

Armwrestling is a unique sport – explains Mazurenko. - The training method is neither bodybuilding nor powerlifting, but a combination of both. Bodybuilding focuses on stamina, powerlifting on strenght, and armwrestling needs constant development of both. The training scheme presented at my seminars helps in making training easier not only on the muscles, tendons and joints, but also on the hormonal system, which is a very important thing. It's the hormonal system that is responsible for increasing the stats and regenerating the body. The scheme is in itself universal, it can be adapted to all needs and styles.

In the second part of the seminar, the sporsmen had a chance to test their skills on the innovative “Mazurenko ARM” device, created by Igor Mazurenko.

The tests were conducted in two stages. In the first stage, th testee measured their peak power in different positions, learning about the stamina of their wrist, biceps, stretch and fingers. Then, in a very precise way, the stamina levels of the testee were calculated. The outcome was then correlated, and conclusions drawn, what the testee should work on the most.

We are able to measure the fighters strength from every angle, plus their speed and stamina – says Igor Mazurenko. - Those factors are essential to good training. Additionally, we can observe the numbers that may give us certain conclusions, and we can correlate them to other outcomes. Also, we get the net result, thet we usually observe during a fight. For example, we might be able to lift 50 kg with biceps on the preacher's bench, but it's highly doubtful that we could get the same result during a fight. The masuring units include kg, newtons (N) and pounds (lb). This allows for a wider reach of tests and forming a world – wide database. In the future, this will allow us to decide that a master of sports should have one set of strenght values, and a candidate for master another set.

Each attendee received a certificate, confirming their attendance.

In the future, we are planning to run seminars in three directions. First – seminars for sportspeople, informing on training schemes, exercises, new inventions – says Mazurenko. - Second – classes for physical education teachers that wish to run armwrestling classes or train other coaches. Armwerstling is becoming more and more popular, and gym equipment is minimal- a table and some grips. It's all much cheaper than machines. And third – referee certification. This is one of the most pressing issues. Refereeing is at a stalemate, for 10 years we were not able to decide how it should look. We have evolved the tables, we have cameras, but only at pro levels. That's why we run classes on working with cameras. We have to evolve skills and work on increasing the number of refs.