The elbow has to be on the pad >>>

The elbow has to be on the pad # Armwrestling #

Three fouls instead of two, multiple elbor raises, fighting in dangerous position, unclear rules concerning fouls and elbows – this is an alarming and continuing trend in armwrestling.


Three fouls instead of two, multiple elbor raises, fighting in dangerous position, unclear rules concerning fouls and elbows – this is an alarming and continuing trend in armwrestling.

And a strange one, because – as Igor Mazurenko thinks, any self-respecting sports discipline has clear rules. So should we.

If a ball leaves the field, that's an out, and if an elbow leaves the pad in armwrestling, that's a foul – says Igor Mazurenko. - And it absolutely doesn't matter if it's by a 1cm or half a cm. If the elbow clearly leaves the pad, it's a foul.

Rules are rules, and life sometimes says different. Why are rules so important for Mazurenko?

No one will treat our discipline seriously if we don't have clear rules – says Mazurenko. - The rules of armwrestling have been developing for the last 30 years. They're still not ideal today, but hye're as close as can be. On all PAL “Vendetta in Vegas” tournaments, elbow cameras will be used, as well as european and american referees. Potential fouls can thus be viewed later.

In Mazurenko's opinion, this is necessary. Why?

Because our discipline, like many others, may potentiallly become a part of the world wide betting system – says Mazurenko. - To run such bets, clear rules need to be introduced. The bet maker needs to know what the rules are and see on the screen, ahether there was a foul or not.

The elbow foul issue needs to be set straight once and for all, and in Mazurenko's opinion, this issue is being treated very loosely, especially in the USA. It's very obvious on many videos posted on the Internet. The albows can be often seen levitating over the pad, and the refs pay it no mind. It's disturbing in mazurenko's opinion and needs to be changed.

It's especially curious, seeing that every organization all over the world has it written in it's rules, that lifting an elbow is a foul. The question is, how many people in the USA apply this rule? As shown by videos – not many – says Mazurenko.

It's time for changes. That's why PAL, along with seminars for referees, wants to institute coaching of main refs by the table and line refs at monitors.

In our sport, raising the elbow is seldom an accident. It's a tactic, a way to win. It gives unfair advantage. The elbow has to be on the pad, no exceptions are allowed, it only causes chaos. Some argue that not raising the elbow makes the sport boring. It's total rubbish! I can show you scores of fights, without fouls, that were exciting and technical, and fair. The elbow stays on the pad, and I'm sticking to that - says Mazurenko.

