Injuries in armwrestling >>>

Injuries in armwrestling # Armwrestling #

Exercises in right ways is the way to fix the problem from its root, while the outside supports are just temporarily solutions.


The sport of armwrestling is not a natural movement for our arms , therefore so many injuries are happenning esspecially on our elbows.

It puts so much pressure on in and outside of our elbows. The inner elbow gets injured in early stages of our career esspecially when pulling in hook positions. It heals but if not giving enough time to become as strong as how it was before the injury then it happens over and over and then becomes a cronic injury. With time we realise that we can not force that area as we used to do.

The injury of the out side of our elbow comes with time as a result of over use. And it is even harder to heal this lateral epicondylitis injury because it is not a direct result of a single injury in most of the cases. The other injuries that i have experienced are; the lower side of my wrist flexer, middle knuckles of my fingers, front and back side of my shoulders. Another most common reason of the injuries that i have experienced was the inbalanced muscle groups. Because of my inner elbow injuries i had to armwrestler in an outside style but not using the forearm in a supinated way caused serious pronator-supinator inbalance and this caused injuries.

The same muscle inbalance problem also happenned with the wrist flexer and extensors as well. Same thing can be said for the fingers as well. Most of the pullers have these problems about the bicep-brachiradialis and tricep muscles inbalance too. My advice is that we should always train the opposite muscle groups even though we dont really push our limits. These trainings dont have to be very often either but if we want to reduce the risque of injuring ourselves then we should train opposite muscle groups to create a balance. I also suggest to do body building type of trainings during the off season.

It is a good idea to add full motions trainingsto the partial movement & statics as well. I am advicing these things not because i have followed my own advices very well but because i suffered so much by making such mistakes. I have used many kind of medicines, supplements and therapies but i realised that the best way to keep yourself healthy is to keep your system working as it is created.

Exercises in right ways is the way to fix the problem from its root, while the outside supports are just temporarily solutions.


Engin Terzi