Andrey Pushkar – three questions >>>

Andrey Pushkar – three questions # Armwrestling #

On World Championships and Europeans, Vendetta and Mazurenko machine.


Are you planning a return to amateur sport and fighting in the Europeans and Worlds?

I don't know yet. I'd like to go to Malaysia. I've been around half the world, but never to Malaysia or Thailand. I'm really curious about them, so maybe I'll go.

Are you preparing for Vendetta?

I plan to go to Vendetta in May. I'm working mostly on my stamina. I have strenght, but as I saw on last Vendetta - no stamina. I run and work with small weights.

You trained on Mazurenko machines, what are your impressions?

The machines and their technologies are very interesting. I've had tests and mesaurements, I saw my weaknesses with my own eyes. Now I can focus on them more. I'd be glad to get tested again, maybe in Vegas?