Prudnyk vs Spartak Zoloev was one of the most exciting and evenly matches of the Europeans 2015.
In my opinion these athetes were the best ones in the class even though they took 1. and 3. there. Their semi final match was breath cutting. The truth is that I did not expect Spartak to trouble Prudnyk this much with right arm. With the start Spartak's wrist curl and arm strength seemed better than Prudnyk's as the match went into the Spartak's angle and Prudnyk had to put himself into a defensive position with a forward move. Prudnyk seemed to lost his pronator control and he was on his bicep to control Spartak's pronator with his supinated wrist curl and drag hook attacks. Spartak slowly started to move his elbow to left side of the pad and involved his tricep on Prudnyk's bicep by bringing his shoulder a bit behind his hand. Once he came to his comfortable position he started to apply his pinning hits to the pad and they seemed to be very efefctive as Prudnyk's bicep was hardly handling these hits.
But these hits carried their risks with them as Prudnyk was counter attacking every time Spartak comes back to his natural position from his pinning attempts. Spartak's arm was losing its joint lock angle but Prudnyk could not finish him either. Spartak slowly brought his shoulder near to his hand to regain his elbow lock again. They were at the middle of the table and Prudnyk this time tried to bring his shoulder behind his hand for a possible shoulder press but Spartak was smart and quick enough to apply a rowing movement escape from such trap.Then Spartak tried a drag hook finishing but Prudnyk stopped this attempt and countered fast enough to put Spartak in losing position. Prudnyk came back to neutral position and Spartak came back to his hand to support his arm but Prudnyk's second hit made Spartak's elbow out and the refs gave the match to Prudnyk. After a protest that came from Russians the refs accepted to decide the re-match. Beginning of the re-match was same as the their earlier match. Spartak hit with his wrist to take the match to his side while Prudnyk again made a forward move to get into bicep to bicep position to apply his dragging type of hook.
Spartak same as the earlier match slowly moved his elbow to his winning side to bring Prudnyk's hand away from his shoulder and then applied very efefctive hits to the pin pad. Spartak brought Prudnyk's hand very near to the pad but wasnt able to finish, so instead of tiring himself in such position he came back to the neutral position again. But Prudnyk again used this as an opportunity and move his elbow to his winning side a bit and then applied a drag hook move to put Spartak in trouble. Prudnyk couldnt finish Spartak but brought him somewhere that he could put his shoulder behind his hand to apply pressure on Spartak's bicep to block it. But this time Spartak used Prudnyk's forward pressure as an opponrtunity to attack again as the pressure that Prudnyk applied must not have been strong enough to block Spartak's bicep. Prudnyk stopped that attack and countered fast enough to open Spartak's bicep. As every time Spartak attacked to finish Prudnyk it was like a Russian roulette and Spartak lost this roulette game.
At the last moment he tried to go below the table but Prudnyk came back to neutral position and applied and powerful supinated wrist curl & tricep pressure to win the match.
For sure it was a breath cutting match and will be on my mind as an unforgetable matches ever.
Engit Terzi