After Armfight #44: Sergey Tokarev >>>

After Armfight #44: Sergey Tokarev # Armwrestling #

The Ukrainian wrestler took on the USA legend - Richard Lupkes. Will he face Todd?


I want to test my might - said Sergey Tokarev before Armfight #44. And he did, testing Richard Lupkes' potential for the first two rounds of Vendetta in Vegas.

Sergey had many pro fights, he knows well how to analyze his mistakes, draw conclusions and prepare for the next fght - says Igor Mazurenko, organizer of Vendetta in Vegas. - At the start he's decided to survive Lupkes' attack and tire him out. This went on for two rounds.

I was affraid of old injuries - says Tokarev. - I approached the first two rounds carefully. in third I loosened up a bit and Richard used this - he took the initiative, with my arm close to the pillow. I gave that round up. I did not make the same mistake in the next rounds.

Sergey Tokarev and Richard Lupkes fought in. superheavyweight, 95 + kg - over 210 lbs.

I'm happy with my score - says Tokarev. - Now I am preparing for the Professionals' World Cup, and then the WAC / PAL organizers will choose another opponent for me.

I planned to match Sergey against Michael Todd - says Igor Mazurenko. - It was to be a test for Michael, who will go against Pushkar in January, and also a rematch for Sergey and Michael for 2012, when Todd beat Tokarev 6:0.

Will Todd and Tokarev meet at the table?

We don't have a worthy opponent for Tokarev yet - says Mazurenko. - But if Todd loses to Pushkar in January, the door will be open for Tokarev - Todd.


Armfight #44 took place at 24 October in Las Vegas, at a stage at Fremont Street.


Iza Małkowska