Ask Engin Terzi >>>

Ask Engin Terzi # Armwrestling #

The readers ask questions, Engin answers.


Question: “Mr. Engin Terzi,do you think that one should train only a single style per workout (toproll/hook/press) when armwrestles with sparring partners at the table or it is better to train all the moves per training session?”

Answer: “I agree training muscle groups that we use for a technique on different day than the day that the muscle groups that we use for a different technique. But in my opinion this applies for weight training, not to armwrestling table training. Since we will not be able to train all the muscle groups that we use for armwrestling with weight within the same training we must divide the muscle groups to train.

One can train all the muscle groups that we need for armwrestling with the weights within the same training day but for sure it will have negative effect on the performance. So it makes sense to divide the muscle groups by the techniques that we use them. We can divide the trainings as inside and outside days. Inside day will be based on supination and bicep while the outside day will be based on pronation and brachiradialis. Adding back, finger and wrist trainings to these programs can be up to each person. For many years my program is generally Bicep, supination, back, finger and front shoulder in 1 program while Hammer, front wrist, pronation, wrist and side shoulder in the other training. Of course these are the main names for the trainings but they are detailed (For example there are multiple ways to train wrist). I always do the bicep training last before the table training day as i am mainly an outside puller and i use my hammer, pronator and wrist mostly in my pulling.

So i make sure that they are fresher than the other muscle groups. As i explained above that i agree training the muscle groups separately on different training days based on the technique that requires those muscle groups. But i disagree training for only 1 technique at every table time. When you are competing you never know where you will end up. So you must be trained both in and outside within the same training. I would understand people to train only one way to focus on 1 main style but even those people should train other techniques once their muscle groups that they us efor their main technicque is very tired.

I am an outside puller but if i am not hurt i do pull hook in trainings once i spend my fresh power for my main technique. I can agree training one technique only at once only in two conditions. One is if you do weight lifting training for outside technique then at the end of the training you can do some toproll trainings. Same thing you can do on bicep day for hook technique. Other option is if you don’t lift but only pull at the table then you can divide your table time one training hook and other training toproll. This way you will be getting enough of both styles’ trainings but if you do weight trainings and pulling once a week for example then you will not be training enough of both main styles (Inside and Outside). In my opinion weight lifting is a necessary thing for our sport to make sure that you train every muscle group in a healthy way and also safely. Of course you need to coordinate those muscle groups with the table time and that is the most important factor. I have been pulling for 25 years and myself & my students do both lifting and pulling.”
