How are you feeling?
I feel normal, the injury is not causing me any major problems. The only thing is that I need to get stronger. The last Ukrainian Championships were a test to me, both in left and in right arm. I am post-rehabilitation now; my elbow is better. My shoulder doesn’t hurt when I wrestle. I can do more weights now and am slowly getting back in shape.
How was your rehabilitation?
Complicated. The doctors said I need a shoulder surgery; they have found some things there that would not go away on their own. But I tried something different, I’ve decided to fast.
Everyone has noticed that you’ve lost weight.
After the first stage I’ve dropped down to 79 kg. I drank only water for 7 days, and by the end of this week I felt the inflammation go away, and the pain too. I found it hard to believe myself, I don’t know how it happened. I read in books that during a fast a lot of growth hormone is being produced, and is easily assimilated. It’s a very rejuvenating process, I’m feeling great. It wasn’t easy to go through with it, even though I’ve done some preparations, first for 36 h, then for 48 h. On the fourth day of the fast I had a real test – everything hurt me, my knees, elbows, arms.
How has this affected your work?
It was interesting. I went to work normally, on the 5th and 6th day I had two concerts. When I went up to the “la” note, I felt like I was going to faint. I had to hold on to a colleague after my part was done.
I’ve read that the first seven days should be spent in bed, under medical care. So I laid down the whole time. I rested at work on a sofa, I had my makeup done sitting down. When I went out onto the stage, my strength came back. My colleagues asked me why I was so thin. After my parts I had to lay down again.
After those seven days I had a tough rehabilitation. My muscles burned, I had a tough time lifting weights, or even walking. I actually fasted twice, first time after the Worlds, second time between January and February. I felt great after the second one, then I had rehabilitation and went back to training. I usually never prepared for the Ukrainians, but this time I did some rubber band exercises and went to the gym a couple of times.
How is your shape now?
I am preparing for the Europeans.
What are your plans?
Europe, Worlds. I won’t go to A1, on principle. Zloty Tur – we’ll see what shape I’m in. And that’s all for now. I am not planning any armfights, I will continue rehabilitation.
Anastazia Kisilyova