PAL is on the way to WADA Code >>>

PAL is on the way to WADA Code # Armwrestling #

Each sport discipline can be considered serious if it deals with the World Anti-Doping Agency Code.


Any self-respecting sport organization must adopt World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Code. It applies to UFC, boxing organizations, american football, baseball – any professional sport.

"Today WAF accepted WADA Code and it’s fighting for the right to get armwrestling into SportAccord. PAL is not going to SportAccord, but the organization has been working in the US market, so it just can’t ignore the WADA Code, – explains the Head of PAL Igor Mazurenko. – Otherwise, any organization will have no deal with us, especially the sponsors. Therefore, we warn everyone in advance: those athletes, who will participate in such competitions as the Professional World Cup, will take the doping tests with the system that runs in WAF. Winners of the categories from the first to the third place will draw lots. There could be 30-40 tests, which would be divided between the sportsmen on the right and left hand".

All participants of Vendettas will go for a doping test immediately after fights.

Absolutely all the athletes who will participate in professional competitions under the auspices of the PAL will pass doping tests – in a year the organization will certainly join WADA.

"It is possible that there will be controversies, perhaps somebody will speak about powerlifting. But powerlifting now is represented only by one serious organization - IPF, and it has adopted a Code. Another federations are just backyard fun, – Mazurenko said. – A striking example is Arnold Classic. Since 2005 I visit these events. Yes, there were WPC and sportsmen pressed crazy weights, but now there is only IPF. Strongman? It is not even considered as sports.

Whatever it was, in the new season – autumn 2017, PAL will work with WADA».