- As the creator of a and measurement theory using Mazurenko ARM device, I can imagine that Andrey Pushkar is in an awkward situation, – says Igor Mazurenko. – Today, after five measurements at power and endurance exercises, I can report some of the data.
Andrey Pushkar did some exercises to know his fingers’, wrists’, biceps’ hammer grip and hook power and endurance exercise.
- We measured he maximum power of the fingers with the eccentric handle to the time of fingers open. Usually, exercise on the definition of power is carried out for 2-3 seconds – you just need to show maximum results. Strictly speaking, no one else even could not show high results longer, – says Mazurenko.
Thus, the power indicator for left hand fingers of Andrey Pushkar was 55 kg in the first attempt. Second attempt was 52 kg, the third – 54 kg. The optimum working weight and the weight that an athlete must hold for endurance is 70% of the average results for the three attempts. Andrey’s one was 37 kg. Right hand – 56 kg, 59 kg, 53 kg, 70% rate – 40 kg.
Measurement of biceps hammer grip peak power held with a block mounted on the center of the table, the strap passed through fingers. Indicators of the left hand – 56 kg, 59 kg, 53 kg, the rate of endurance – 40 kg. Right hand – 55 kg, 52 kg, 56 kg, endurance level – 38 kg.
– I can say that today this result is not too high to fight with Dmitry Trubin. Finger power index is the same as the biceps – it is an alarming signal for Andrey. But he still has some time.
According to Andrey, he could not show his best results because he felt not well. He said that he felt pain and overtraining. Before the test Andrey did static exercises and perhaps they are don’t allow to show the best result.
Very interesting were indicators of hook. To measure right hand a device installed at right side of the table and at the left side for left hand. They used simple thin cylindrical handle. On the right hand of Andrey showed the following results: 75 kg, 68 kg, 72 kg, 70% – 51 kg. On the left hand he was able to make only one measurement because of pain – 70 kg, 49 kg endurance index.
The fourth exercise was for wrist with a handle with tapes. First of all, we are interested in right hand. In the first attempt at the right hand of Andrey showed 65.4 kg, the second – 74.2, in the third – 63.2. Probably, in the second attempt Andrey used side movement, so the result is a bit exaggerated. The indicator for endurance exercise amounted to 50 kg.
– In my opinion, these figures are low for the process of preparation for the champion’s armfight. It seems to me they should be in the like of 80-85 kg, – says Igor Mazurenko.
Then – endurance exercises. The first one was for fingers. Andrey took 40 kg and he was able to hold them for 24 seconds. The normal rate is considered to be 30 seconds. There are those who hold 50-60 seconds, in these athletes is very high endurance, they can fight in any situation with any sportsman.
On the bicep hammer grip for right hand Andrey held the 38 kg for 25 seconds. Again, less than normal 30-40. It should be noted that the power index was low. On the left hand the result was better. Overcoming the pain, Andrey held the 40 kg for 29 seconds.
Right hand hook was worth. Left hand wasn’t tested anymore because of a strong discomfort. So, Andrey was able to hold 50 kg for 15 seconds, because the elbow began to ache.
– Summarizing the, I can say that Andrey is not ready to fight at 100%, – adds Igor Mazurenko. – This is my personal opinion. But Andrey has a little more time. The only thing we can hope for is his fast start. And the second one – we do not know Dmitry Trubin’s indexes, and we have no way to test him. This is my prediction for Trubin – Pushkar Vendetta. But am I right? The table will show.