Vendetta in Vegas #47 is postponed! >>>

Vendetta in Vegas #47 is postponed! # Armwrestling #

Vendetta in Vegas # 47, which was scheduled for September 24, is postponed.


The decision, which was taken by Mazurenko Armwrestling Promotion, depends on the fact that the event dates are very close to the World Championship, which will be held October, 1-10.

"Most likely, the entire information flow will be directed precisely to the championship, and then – to Professional World Cup. We suspect that the Vendetta will not be so interesting for viewers as something that will happen in a week after it, – says Igor Mazurenko.

– Our entire team -,, Mazurenko Armwrestling Promotion – directs all its efforts to help in organization of the World Championship as a media support.

Also at the championship we plan to hold "With Olesya on armbets". All our editors and photographers will work there to provide you with all the information associated with this important event".