Igor Mazurenko's pure science >>>

Igor Mazurenko's pure science # Armwrestling # Armpower.net

Recently Igor Mazurenko told interesting news – he entered the graduate school. Personally, I was pleasantly surprised because armwrestling got a good chance of a full scientific study. What thinks about it newly graduate student?


"The idea to write a dissertation and increase my status exists for a very long time. This is primarily due to the fact that the many ideas, development, trainers, certified table, methods of the training process, written book – all this made me to design my scientific status officially, – explains Igor Mazurenko.

– Two years ago appeared Mazurenko ARM device, it made possible to measure, and provided the impetus for pure science classes, organize all that we have –training and preparation processes related to inventory.

One option for the training was to return to the Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism, but sadly, Russian education is not quoted in Europe, and I would have had some problems with it. However, higher education and scientific degree obtained in the Ukraine has a better status in this situation.

The decision was made a few months ago. I talked to Dmitry Beskorovaynyi, who is not only the winner of world and European championships, but also head of the Department of Physical Education and Sport at the Kharkiv National University of Economy named after Beketov, and decided to go to graduate school at the Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture. Then I passed the exams and was recently enrolled.

The whole learning process will last for four years, two of which I will need to attend the sessions. Before the New Year, I need to write a few articles. For two years I have a plan to write a scientific work.

My research is associated with professional sports: the structure, organization, marketing of competitions. Then, perhaps, we will work on the opening of specialized armwrestling laboratory".

In short, armwrestling has broad prospects for development in theoretical terms, which, no doubt, will pull behind practical work. We can only wish Igor inspiration and strength to implement all his ideas!