Watching Vitaliy’s pages in social networks, armwrestling fans might have noticed that the athlete has started to prepare for Worlds two weeks before the event. Nevertheless, the results support his level, although Vitaliy is not satisfied:
"Preparation for the World Cup was awful: I had absolutely not enough time for training. My shape was so-so, but that does not prevent me to pull nice!"
On his result Vitaliy responds positively, noting that all the shortcomings were his minuses:
"I am pleased with my results and I will not blame anyone. All my fault – it's personal shortcomings. I think that our category was full of good sportsmen, but I'd like to fight with Krasimir Kostadinov".
In addition to the fights in his category, Vitaliy noticed the meeting of the two athletes, who impressed not only him:
"I remember the fight of Sasho Andreev and Spartak Zoloev on their right hands".
Like most of the athletes participating, Vitaliy speaks highly of the organization of the championship:
"I liked the competition, a good city, a small, quiet, peaceful, the organization is also arranged. The only thing that I don’t like was that all lived in different hotels".
The future plans of the athlete – Zloty Tur.
"I would go to Zloty Tur, if I will find the sponsor, as I go to all the competition at my own expense".
Vitaliy’s pulling at Złoty Tur can greatly alter the championship standings. Hopefully, the Russian athlete will show his skills on the professional cup.