Ermes Gasparini: “I quickly understood how to pull with Todd” >>>

Ermes Gasparini: “I quickly understood how to pull with Todd” # Armwrestling #

Some time ago we saw a Vendetta between Italian armwrestler Ermes Gasparini and American superheavyweighter Michael Todd.


Everybody was surprised because the main prediction for the fight results was Michaels clear win. But we saw spectacular fight with great technique and it was even seemed that Ermes could win. Was it hard – to win Michael Todd twice?

Ermes, you twice defeated one of the strongest heavyweight armwrestlers. How are your impressions?

- I have beautiful impressions; it was very nice for me to meet an extraordinary athlete and a very good person as Michael Todd. He is very humble, he said the words after the matches that I was stunned! I hope to find him yet not only to pull it but to drink something together too.

Are you satisfied with your result?

- This is one of my most important victories, it was aт extraordinary result after so many sacrifices and specific training, sometimes in the morning when I wake up I still seems true. This is my first vendetta and I did not got used to.

How quickly did you understand how to fight Michael?

- I understood in a short time, I saw many of his video when he lost by Larratt and Trubin and I copied their same technique greatly improving the press that usually I do not do it.

What advice can you give to athletes who will fight with Todd?

- My advice is to do good training on endurance because Michael has incredible strength! But the technique I used it is not necessarily good for all.

What's in the plans? Europeans?

- I have not clear plans for now I still have to decide, I will compete when I will feel ready to do it. I need a break for 2 weeks from my workouts and armwrestling.




Photo: Bellamoli Federico