Engin Terzi: We need to gain the respect of the world, we are not only some entertainers! >>>

Engin Terzi: We need to gain the respect of the world, we are not only some entertainers! # Armwrestling # Armpower.net

There have been some discussions about where armwrestling should go in the future. Some say armwrestling should be an entertaining show without so much caring about the rules that internationally perfected to create a fair play for the athletes by the experiences of decades. And others think that we should respect our sport, our athletes, our refs and we should be faithful to decades of evolution in armwrestling.


In my opinion the daily material benefits should not cause us to be unfaithful to our sport. It's future should be a recognition by IOC. We are athletes and our sport can not be a toy of people's business. I support professional events as long as they provide a fair play competition. 

WAF was kind of too strict about fouls in slips but lately I see that as long as it is not intentional they call it strap match. This choice relaxed the competitors and made the events more public friendly. WAF's elbow pads were too hard but lately they are more flexible and not directly causing elbow fouls. 

I believe that our future is with the official recognition by IOC and even if we don’t see this dream come true I believe that new generations will see. Being recognized by the Sport Accord was a GREAT step unto this target and I am expecting Para Armwrestling to become a part of the Paralympic Games in near future. 

Armwrestling can not lose it's solid and permanent future for the sake of temporary popularism seeking of today. We need to protect the respect for ourselves to build a solid future. Again, pro events are great and I appreciate whoever organizes pro events as long as it stays faithful to our sport and the international experiences of decades. We need to gain the respect of the world, we are not only some entertainers but serious athletes of a serious sport. Anything that does not draw such portray can not be the best representer of Armwrestling. 

Of course, for getting more people to watch and enjoy our sport is very important for us to reach our Olympic Recognition goal, we can not portray a boring sport and expect to be recognized by IOC. But this should be done carefully, we are not going to be paid entertainers either. I think WAF is becoming only better with providing a serious fair competition that also entertains public. 

I would understand pro events to be a bit more tolerant but as long as they don’t cause unfairness. Athletes train to win, not to entertain people. As long as this progress continue Armwrestling by itself is entertaining enough without being a toy in the hands of some people for the sake of short term fame and money.

So future of Armwrestling is both with IOC recognized WAF and Pro  Armwrestling as long as we protect the respect for our sport.

Engin Terzi