Perhaps there is nothing more interesting than to look at the bout between Vitaly Laletin and Evgeny Prudnik. Everyone is waiting for this particular fight, because the fate of the final match will be decided in it, because one of them will fight in the final with the winner of the Saginashvili-Ongarbayev pair.
Evgeny Prudnik recently gained very much. He changed the weight category, but it is not as important as the fact that he has become stronger. And even if Rustam Babaev at the first stage had not been injured, all the same, it would have been very difficult for him to defeat Evgeny.
But Vitaly Laletin is not far behind. His right hand ached a bit, but he assures that he has recovered, and now his form is very good. Vitali is an uncomfortable opponent for Evgeny. He has very long levers, and this can affect the result. I would say that the advantage is on Vitali’s side. But it is unknown how much more Evgeny will gain strength, so that we may have a chance to see a qualitatively perfect another athlete.
It is worth remembering that Prudnik is very enduring. If he is properly prepared and power work does not kill endurance, he will become a machine capable of defeating almost anyone. Even Levan, having tried Evgeny's hand, said that he did not suspect that he was so strong.
The most interesting match for Kazakhstani spectators is Levan Saginashvili against Kydyrgali Ongarbaev. Many athletes from Kazakhstan believe that Kydyrgali will be able to give Levan a decent fight.
We also believe that, having won at least one match against the Georgian giant, Ongarbaev will return to his homeland legendary.
The first words of Ongarbaev after the draw: "When are we going home already?" With them he proved his desire to train and prepare in full force. His coach confirmed: Kydyrgali must gain serious strength.
Nevertheless, Levan will not sleep, even though he began the period when people recognize him and want to try his hand. We saw this in Ternopil, when at the table he “shook” hands with everyone who trained at the Andrew Pushkar’s gym. A student of Pushkar, Oleg Petrenko, said that he had no chance at all against Levan.
Anyway, Saginashvili will prepare thoroughly and, in his words, will not give Ongarbaev a single match.
Let's summarize. As for me, Alex is the leader in the Trubin-Kurdecha fight. Their approximate score is 4-2 in favor of Kurdecha.
In the Bresnan-Babayev pair, the situation will be in favor of Tim with a score of 4-2 or 5-1.
In the duel between Prudnik and Laletin, everything is very unpredictable: from the victory of Evgeny from 4-2 and a draw to the victory of Vitaly with the same score.
Saginashvili-Ongarbayev. It seems to me that Levan, nevertheless, is invincible, and the result will be 6-0, but I can also imagine 5-1.