Will Alex win? >>>

Will Alex win? # Armwrestling # Armpower.net

Ermes Gasparini vs Alex Kurdecha – on November 21 we will be able to witness another TOP8 fight in Moscow. I asked a few competitors about this duel.


I also recommend Igor Mazurenko’s video.

Waldemar Podolski

I think that Alex will win, I’m thinking about the weight difference and, above anything else, the forearm length difference. With all due respect for Ermes, the result will be 6:0 for Alex. Of course, Ermes’s starts in Zloty Tur have been phenomenal. First place in 95kg with the right arm, fourth in open, but it was in 2016 – now we’re in 2021 and I’m going for Alex. Alex Kurdecha works best with his imagination, I think he can win 6:0; if I’m wrong then so be it, but I just can’t bet any different. Of course my best wishes towards Alex and his trainer Marcin Lachowicz. Good luck!

Jerzy Kwiatkowski

Greetings! When it comes to the Ermes vs Alex Vendetta I think the competitors’ condition on the day may turn out to be crucial because both of them fight with similar technique and seem to have dimilar strength. Undeniably the fact that Ermes has won with the best in the world speaks in his favor but Alex has been getting comfortable at the top as well recently. I’d go for Ermes but only slightly and of course I’m rooting for Alex.

Dariusz Groch

I’m thinking 3:3 and six very even rounds.

Jakub Janczy

As we can see after Ermes’s last videos, he’s well-prepared and confident. The duel with Matt Mask and videos from Dubai with Laletin on Larry’s channel prove that he’s ready to deal with the best of the best. Alex is also a veeery strong guy which he showed us in the last Vendetta but this time the opponent is on the next level, I think wrists will be deciding here… The Italian has a loy of experience and Alex is a competitor who can surprise with parameters and duel style. I expect a good fight without fauls, may the best win, my heart is with Alex!

Peter Ceco Racek

It’s hard, very hard to comment on that. Both of them are experienced and very good competitors. In my opinion Ermes won in a smooth manner, he’s much heavier than when I knew him so I believe in his victory. But it will be a beautiful and difficult duel for both of them.

Marian Čapla

I don’t know – it’s hard to say. I don’t know Kurdecha, I only saw him once in my life. I saw Ermes 5 years ago and I don’t know what his condition is like right now. What I remember, however, is that Ermes is very fast. If he doesn’t miss the start, he will be in a very good position. Alex is heavier and can lead in the straps. It will be an interesting duel! The one who can stay concentrated until the last round will win!