On the 18th of November in New York annual competitions in armwrestling for sale EmpireStateGoldenArmTournament of Champions were held . It was the 33rd edition of the tournament, and the whole thing took place in New York, the capital of the world, so no only the competitors from the USA took off, but also from different parts of the world. Armwrestlers arrived from Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Georgia, Japan, Puerto Rico, Greece, and two competitors from Poland. As it turned out competitions were well stuffed, and many beautiful and interesting fights could be seen, especially the ones involving Roman Tsindeliani, who started in almost every weight class on both right and left hand.
At the competition, men and women were devided into amateurs and professionals and competed on both the left and right hand in different weight classes, but the organizers gave 3 kg of tolerance, which facilitated the matter and the competitors did not have to get stressed before the start. I will focuse on the professionals rivalry and start with men classes.
Right hand. In 70 kg class, there was one favorite and he did not disappoint. Roman Tsindeliani outclassed his rivals. In 80 kg class it was the same, in 90 kg class also and in 100 ... the same! The heaviest class, over 100 kg, had a different scenario, here Roman did not start and in the cup-final the ones who met were Travis Bagent and Gorgie Gelashvili , who previously gave rivals no chance to win the elimination and in the cup-final for the second time he did not give quick Travis any chances, he caught him off and pulled to the pad. Fourth place went to the Pole Karol Brzozowski, who fought very fierce battles and, unfortunately, in the struggle to enter the semi-finals, after a long battle had to acknowledge the superiority of the American competitor.
Left Hand. In 70 kg class, one favorite and a definate victory of Roman. And here just behind champion;s back a real battle for second place was held, in which I also took part. My first fight ... and of course Roman wins. Another fights won and in the cup-final again ... Roman... and finally the 2nd position.
As in this class, also further 80kg and 90 kg classes were falling prey to Roman. As well for right hand Roman did not start in the heaviest class and the winner is Travis Bagent, who this time did not give Gorgie Gelasvili any chances.
OPEN classes were supposed to be interesting and for right hand ... Gelashvili gave Roman victory without any fight, for left hand the ones who met were Roman and Travis Bagent, who defeated Roman with a fast motion.
Among women right hand in up to 65 kg class Ana Kenah from the USA triumphed, while in +65 kg class Joyce Borne also from the USA won. The left hand was won by Jose Morneau from Canada.
Men right hand
70 kg class
1ST PLACE Roman Tsindeliani Russia
2ND PLACE Angelo Zimmerman South Carolina
3RD PLACE Such KonoWoodside, NY
80 kg class
1ST PLACE Roman Tsindeliani Russia
2ND PLACE Tony Patterson, New Bedford, MA.
3RD PLACE ErkanIlbak Turkey
90 kg class
1ST PLACE Roman Tsindeliani Russia
2ND PLACE Konya Lajos Hungary
3RD PLACE Richard Calero Puerto Rico
100 kg class
1ST PLACE Roman Tsindeliani Russia
2nd PLACE Greg Gavin Babylon. NY
3RD PLACE Kenny Smith, Severn, MD.
+100 kg class
1ST PLACE GiorgiGelashvili Brooklyn, NY.
2ND PLACE Travis Bagent Charlestown, W. Virginia
3RD PLACE Mike Ayello Deer Park, NY
OPEN class
Georgi Gelashvili Roman victory gives Tsindeliani
Men Left Hand
70 kg class1ST PLACE Roman Tsindeliani Russia
2ND PLACE Poland Dariusz Wisniewski
3RD PLACE OlehFrankivsky Ukraine
80 kg class
1ST PLACE Roman Tsindeliani Russia
2ND PLACE ErkanIlbak Turkey
3RD PLACE Tony Patterson Ma.
90 kg class
1ST PLACE Roman Tsindeliani Russia
2ND PLACE Mike Hall Bronx, NY
3RD PLACE Konya Lajos Hungary
+90 kg class
1ST PLACE Travis Bagent Charlestown, W. Virginia
2ND PLACE GiorgiGelashvili Brooklyn, NY
3RD PLACE Kevin Nelson Holbrook, NY
OPEN class
Travis Bagent victory with Roman Tsindeliani
Women right hand
65 kg class
1ST PLACE Ana Kenah Manhattan
2ND PLACE Dianne Fillion Winnipeg, Canada
3RD PLACE IlyaDall Whitestone, NY
+65 kg class
1ST PLACE Joyce Boone Brooklyn, NY
2ND PLACE JoseeMorneau Winnipeg, Canada
3RD PLACE Valerie Beach Wilton, NH
Women left hand
65 kg class
1ST PLACE JoseeMorneau Winnipeg, Canada
2ND PLACE Ana Kenah Manhattan, NY
3RD PLACE Valerie Beach Wilton, NH
Detailed results can be found HERE
Author: Dariusz Wiśniewski
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