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Sergey Tokarev: "Professional athletes do all" # Armwrestling #

Any athlete can not always be on top form. ()

What professions help to prepare better for armwrestling?

The best profession that allows you to prepare for armwrestling is instructor in a gym. Every human life has its waste movement. For example, if a person chops wood, he probably has a good triceps. A climber has good fingers. A waiter maybe has good ligaments. But if you simply engage in these activities and try to go to some championships, then you are likely to lose, because professional athletes do all, not just a bunch or fingers.

A lot of people think that arm wrestling is changing. In what way is it going?

Workout system is changing. Every sport has its own techniques and methods eventually. And if it is engaged in a large number of people, each reveals something for themselves - rubber, modular system, free weights. And this experience is slowly spreading. Some countries do not have much idea about armwrestling, and then visit some competitions - World Championship, European or commercial competition – certainly they learn something. So it changes the system of training, fighting styles. Athletes begin to grow and naturally compete with other countries.

Any athlete can not always be on top form. There are professionals who know how to prepare for the competition, they can take three or four events per year. At the moment, there is no separation of professional and amateur armwrestling, because the number of events per year is limited, and the sportsman has time to go to professional and commercial championship. But if the number of events will increase or sportsman will not have time, then he will choose any certain. But back to the topic of athletes who begin training.

They travel, gain experience, begin to grow. In the end, people are changing – they are looking for more comfortable weight categories. Life is different: perhaps people from one country are not able to prepare, and the representative of another has better opportunity to do armwrestling, focused on results. The overall level of armwrestling is growing. The number of countries and a number of people involved in arm wrestling. At equal strength opponents are trying to get out through the tactics, strategy, and technology.

And if you just compare a pulling?

Today pulling process becomes more sophisticated. Previously sportsman pulled in one definite style. In the post-Soviet countries basically it was a hook. 90% of people went to the gym, watched movies with Arnold Schwarzenegger, pumped biceps with a straight bar (or curved in the best case). That’s why they had a strong bicep and tried to fight in a hook. Their wrist was weak. That’s why American sportsmen were dominating: their technique was generally different. Our sportsmen didn’t understand the technical nuances; they thought Americans are much stronger because nobody could do anything, despite their impressive size and 120 kilo on the biceps. Now worldwide training system is more developed and. Armwrestlers don’t fight just in the hook but in hook, in top roll, dominate by wrist, try to win in any other way, start with wrist or with all body - and it forms the techniques that are used. If the athlete has one technique, this one question - he will won or lost. If both – they may try to impose their struggle. If both has several techniques, then it is like chess, it’s not so simple.

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