Your brachiradialis will not matter so much if the hand & front wrist are not strong enough. (26.03.2015 at 08:00)
In the sport of armwrestling the most important parts are the hand (finger) & the wrist as we all know. This does not mean that the other parts are not very important but the hand & wrist are the represanters of the other armwrestling parts of our body. Stronger the hand & wrist are stronger the other parts' effect on our opponents.
Your brachiradialis will not matter so much if the hand & front wrist are not strong enough. Your Pronator Quatratus will not perform at it's best if the hand & wrist lose the control. These are only a few examples. We apply our strength on an opponent's hand & wrist. The hand and wrist of the opponent will not be as thin as a handle neither will be as passive. Hand & wrist provide the control, and better controlling will allow us to apply more of the strength that is behind the hand & wrist. In the sport of armwrestling the hand control is very important but it is not enough by itself as you need to apply enough of pressure to bring your opponent's hand-arm to the pin pad. You apply the pressure on your opponent with strong connections between the arm and body. The shoulder, lat, chest and back muscle groups provide this connection. The hand & wrist are responsible to bring your opponent's hand & wrist away from the opponent's upper arm & body connection unto our upper arm & body connection to provide maximum possible pressure to win the match.
This pressure can be inside with the supinator involvement or outside with the pronator muscle groups involvement.
It can also be used in a side way with the involvement of both supinator and pronator at same time. No matter if the forearm is being used with the supinator, or the pronator the most important parts to make these rotation movements effective, are the hand & wrist. Both supination and pronation are the forearm muscle groups and are very important in our sport but again their effectiveness is depending on a solid & technical hand & wrist.
Application of the strength in Armwrestling should start from the opponent's hand that we place our finger tips no matter which style we are using. Stronger the finger more effective the wrist will be, stronger the wrist more effective we will use the supinator and the pronator. Stronger the supinator more effectively you will use your bicep, stronger the pronator better forearm angle you will find to use your brachiradialis. Stronger the brachiradialis and bicep more effective upper body pressure you will apply. These are only examples and there are more examples but the idea is that the armwrestling muscle groups are like a chain and the chain's one side is connected to your opponent with your hand & wrist while the other side is connected to your upper body. Once the strap is put then the wrist's & arm's importance is increasing since the arms are being strapped to eachother somewhere around the wrist joint (fingers receive some support by the strap).
There can be written many pages on this subject and time to time i will continue to write about it.
Engin Terzi
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