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World Championships 2010 - First Impression >>>

World Championships 2010 - First Impression # Armwrestling #


A long, hard and tiring - it's the first impression, not haunting throughout the journey to the XXII World Championships - Mesquite, Nevada, 2010. The way to overcome was 10.000 km and 22 hours, along with changes, immediately after the arrival everyone felt it. After arriving in Las Vegas,  the organizerat took us from the airport. Only an hour away, in a comfortable bus and we're on the spot. To our surprise, at the place were already nearly 20 teams! From the words of Willy Denemostera - General Secretary of WAF (World Armwrestling Federation) it seemed that 42 countries (700 people) declared their participation! As for the World Championships, although yet it is so far from Europe, it is a good result.

There are large and spacious and comfortable rooms in the hotel, air temperature during the day is about 20 degrees. For the first 15 hours a pillow became a best friend, and the concept of day and night lost their meaning.

What is the most interesting. From 6th to 10th December, after each day's competition, in one of the conference halls seminars for armwrestlers were held . Topics of the seminars were: techniques, tactics and training process in armwrestling. The seminars will be conducted by Allen and Carolyn Fisher, fee - $ 40. And in another hall the seminars will be conducted by Travis Bagent, cost - $ 40, but he provides 2-3 hours of interesting stories regarding the proper training process. Well, we'll be there and present as such seminars look. And thanks to our page you will see them yourself.


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