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Denis the Destroyer! # Armwrestling #

It became clear everywhere that Cyplenkov rules supreme. (29.07.2013 at 06:09)

It became clear everywhere that Cyplenkov rules supreme and there is no one who could challenge him, not in Europe, nor in America. If there was such a person, he would fly to Moscow. But no one came which means they knew they would not stand a chance to defeat Denis. How did they know? That’s a different matter.

“If the mountain won’t come to Muhammad, Muhammad must go to the mountain”, as the saying goes. The point is that Denis should go North America and beat anyone who will have the courage to stand on the other side of the table.

For you must know, dear readers, that Denis is not simply winning now. He’s “destroying” his opponents saving only those who give up right away. Those competitors who want to challenge him get destroyed.

I’m well aware of the fact that Denis is very busy as he’s got involved in politics and his schedule is really tight. I’m also well aware of the fact that it takes at least a week to fly to America and acclimatize to the new place. So maybe it would be a good idea for Denis to meet halfway with anyone who would like to challenge him? For example in Spain.

Well, what’s most important is that we have to somehow organize a match between “Denis the Destroyer” and “The Rest of the World”. The person who manages to do that will become the top armwrestling manager.

Probably you’ve all watched the matches on the second day of the A1 tournament, held in Moscow, so there’s no need for me to write too much about it. Nevertheless, I’d like to share with you a few comments and encourage those who haven’t watched the fights to see the reruns. It’s a must!

On the second day of the competition right-hand matches were held. Let’s first focus on elimination matches. Well, I’m really pleased to say that they were very interesting and exciting as we could see technical proficiency, toughness and some fast actions. There was everything a fan could expect! The matches were very impressive. Yet, I think there were too many matches going on at the same time, so people watching the event on TV, not live, could find it hard to follow each fight.

Let me repeat it once again:

It does not matter how long a competition lasts to a viewer watching in on TV, not live!

If a fan decides to watch a live streaming, it has to be respected.

This fan sitting in front of a TV or computer screen does not feel the excitement in the hall. He won’t see each and every detail. I shall write about it no more.

As far as the final matches are concerned, I have to admit that they were very exciting. A lot was going on there. It was a real ”feast for fans”. 

First, disabled athletes put up really great matches. What’s really nice about this tournament is that it really has done much to promote disabled pullers. And I don’t only mean money! It’s about prestige. It’s about education. It’s at such competitions that young people can see that in fact there are no limitations! They can see that disabled athletes can win like their able-bodied friends. It’s really important.

Thank you for that!

For sure, we all (I mean male audience) will never forget the final match in women’s division between Egle and Irina! This grace, hips moving, this rhythm before the match even started…

You may accuse me of being sexist, and I won’t deny it – Irina is amazing in every way. Besides, I texted her right after the match to share my impressionssmiley

I wrote once that the era of Zoloev Brothers was about to come. And know I can say that it has already come!

Many of the final matches were really tough and particularly exciting. Some of the competitors walked away with victory without breaking sweat, while others would struggle really hard to eventually win.

32 competitors divided into 4 groups would take part in the absolute class. What’s interesting, some of the matches in this division were “one-sided.” What I mean is that some competitors even attempted to challenge Denis and Andrey. These two pullers were undefeated.

The rest competitors would fight for every inch of space. I was very impressed with the match “Krasi” vs Ivan. How long did the match last? I have no idea. These two pullers as if took turns in getting the advantage over their opponent. The fight was so intense that “Krasi” got really exhausted and gave up the match against Semerenko, as a result. Eventually, it was Ivan who walked away with victory, but I think they he lock arms with “Krasi” once again!

At the end, Andrey and Denis confronted each other.

Well, Andrey did not stand a chance to beat his rival.

What can be done about that?

Should we frighten other competitors with Denis - once a year?



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