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Engin Terzi: “This year’s Zloty Tur will be one of the best” >>>

Engin Terzi: “This year’s Zloty Tur will be one of the best” # Armwrestling #

An experts predictions about the upcoming Vendettas at Professional World Cup. ()

  I have read an article on about the possible future supermatches between the top North American pullers and the top European pullers. The truth is that I kind of lost my interest in armwrestling as a fan after the “Contract” thing started in our sport. In fact having contract is a good thing but if this is having negative effects in the way to unable top athletes pulling eachother then it is not so good from the view of the spectators. WAL for sure brought an excitement to the North American armwrestling world but also divided the top athletes in the world. Looks like now the North American pullers are free to pull at wherever they would like to and this once again excited me as the fan that lives in me.

   To me the best Vendettas would be as follows:

·         Travis Bagent is the best left handed guy in North America but he had some hard times against Dave Chaffee when I watched the Vegas event a few weeks ago. I am sure that Dave trained his left very good and his left is now very strong but not sure if as strong as Cyplenkov’s left hand. So IMO Denis would beat Travis if both athletes are ready for such event. But Cyplenkov has some health issues and on the article I did not see Travis’s name so I would not think they would be involved in the next Vendetta event. So Devon Larratt vs Oleg Zhokh and Chaffee vs Pushkar would be good left hand Vendettas. In fact Vitaly Laletin vs Devon Larratt left hand Vendetta would also be very exciting one.

·         Rustam Babayev vs Todd Hutchings, Ermes Gasparini vs Todd Hutchings, Zoloev Hadzimurat vs Rustam Babayev would be very good Vendettas as well. Sasho vs Babayev or Sasho vs Zoloev or even Sasho vs Hutchings would be breathcutting Vendettas. Any Vendetta with Sasho against those mentioned names would be great but IMO he vs Hutchings would be the most interesting as both pullers has incredible side pressure.

Both have steel joints an deven to think of the pressure that they would apply against eachother hurts my elbows while writing these words.

·         Rustam vs Sasho would be al lup to the start I believe, Rustam either wins quick or Sasho would tire and beat Rustam. Sasho vs Zoloev will be interesting as well, early rounds Zoloev has huge chance but not sure if he can beat Sasho 4 rounds.

·         If I need to share my predictions then I think Laletin can toproll Larratt if Larratt tries to hook Laletin. And if both go outside then Laletin may toproll Devon but since both pullers are very tall and Devon has strong pronator there may be a surprise. Laletin is more used to pulling WAF rules which has paused starts esspecially on the refs grip while Devon pulled in organisations that fight starts already before the go, so because of this Laletin would have a better start but not sure if he can finish Devon or not.

·         Zhokh vs Devon would also be interesting as Zhokh now is heavier n stronger than the time that he has pulled Devon years ago. Also that time he had pulled 3 weight classes as far as I remember. I believe if they pull today Zhokh has chance as much as Devon has, if not more.

·         Gasparini vs Hutchings would be unbelievable as well. I am sure that Gasparini would toproll him but the rest would be a war for sure.

  Since it is so hard to organise all of these dream Vendettas I believe that 2017 Zloty Tur will be the best opportunity to gather all these great athletes in one place. Of course there are many great pullers that I did not mention above as many of them have been already pulling against eachother for years. The excitement will come with the athletes who have not pulled Zloty yet and athletes who have pulled Zloty but did not meet eachother yet till this year.

  In my opinion this year’s Zloty Tur will be one of the best ever if not the very best!

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