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King’s move is the future? >>>

King’s move is the future? # Armwrestling #

King’s move is very strange method, armwrestlers don’t like it. Does it have some chances to exist at all? ()

Recently, we observed the struggle of two strongest athletes who allowed themselves to use the king’s move. Their struggle turned into an incomprehensible hovering under the table. But if this movement is effective - which we also saw - shouldn't it be used?

Reflections of Reza Dilmaganian:

Take it from Michael Todd and Devon Laratt. Both have changed their styles over time. So maybe if I armwrestle for another 15 years, I will master the technique too. Instead of hating - learn to advance.

In the 70s they started having Japanese karate fighters fight Muay Tai fighters. And in the beginning the karate guys just used a straight ball kick to the nuts.

Muay Tai fighters always opened their hip and they lost most of the time.  Then Muay Tai athletes changed their approach and dominated for years and even until today the styles go back and forth. Yet many people hated the straight kick for years.

I guess the kings move is a little bit dirty, doesn't look pretty, but it's effective.

In grappling I can grind my glove or forearm or elbow on your face doesn't look pretty and it's pretty shitty, but it works! Adapt to what's working or adapt to modify your approach to what's working.

As for refereeing. I wasn't reffing the match but feel that maybe a little more discipline to the athletes initially could prevent the whole match from looking the way it did.

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