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Lublin: "Place with a soul!” >>>

Lublin: "Place with a soul!” # Armwrestling #

This club in Lublin has appeared 9 years ago. Lublin was not a "terra incognita" for Polish armwrestling before that, though. Many years ago, the "PACO" club resided and organized events there, bringing up many national representatives. But nine years ago, everything had to be redone almost from scratch. ()

First, some cellar-like beginnings, and now - the new club is working great!

ul. Wolska 11a, level -1

Let's hear from Daniel Cichowlas, "FIRE HAND” Lublin. Enjoy!

The club has been active for 9 years now. For a long time we were connected with a gym where we had an armwrestling table and a few handles. Because of the pandemic, many people started training in cellars and garages. That's how it went.

Then, "Zabetonowany Tomek" appeared on the KFD YouTube channel. People started to take interest in armwrestling, we got many questions if they could train with us, how to start training armwrestling and where we trained. If someone wanted to try it out, they came to my cellar and I showed them everything there...

Making dreams come true!

At some point, I got upset and decided to make my dream come true - find a place for training armwrestling. It took us quite some time... We were looking for a good spot for a year. Finally, my wife, Karolina, found a place, we went to see it and after looking around, it was certain - that was it. I was hesitant because I didn't know if people would come and if we would be able to pay the rent.


I decided to go for broke - it HAD to work out. My wife was very supportive so I got incredibly motivated. I made the decision with one of the most active club members (Yuriy Skakovskiy).

That's how we were reborn. Me and Yuriy, and our wives, we worked hard every evening and during the weekends to adjust the place for trainings. So that the place has "a soul" - to lure people in.

No half measures!

We invested our private savings into equipment for ourselves but also for other people. There was no space for half measures, we didn't scrimp on anything that could make the place cooler. We prepared an official opening and were very surprised by how many new, yound and older, people came and got interested in the sport.

We're very pleased. By creating the place with our whole hearts, we made sure that it would function well and that people who want to train will come there gladly. Passion, respect and friendship - this is what will bring us together.

PeSzy: What else can I say? It's done well, so it will also work well. I'm sure you won't lack trainees or success in the future. Good luck!

Daniel: Join our club: ul. Wolska 11a, level -1

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