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The best exercises for the biceps from Igor Mazurenko >>>

The best exercises for the biceps  from Igor Mazurenko # Armwrestling #

What exercises will help develop and strengthen the biceps best? ()

In the previous text, we shared the top three best exercises for working out the wrist. In this material we will talk about working with a muscle, for which, it would seem, nothing special is needed - the biceps.

In third place - lifting the E-bar with two hands. Classical exercise, which was performed at all times of the evolution of our discipline of sport by almost everyone. Improves biceps strength performance. Depending on the angles from which the movement begins, increases in strength.

The second place is the lifting of a dumbbell for biceps with a middle grip on Scott's bench. Also a traditional exercise performed by athletes for at least thirty years. When I first started armwrestling in 2000, I took this exercise as one of the first to use.

It increases the power performance and in a certain position, you can simulate the angle in which we usually fight, and work it out.

The way of doing the exercise, which ranks first on the list of the most effective for the biceps, affects not only strength, but also endurance. Exercise - to hold the burden (at the moment - dumbbells) with a small amplitude. We hold on the table pad with intervals of 3 times for 30 seconds in 3-4 approaches with breaks between approaches for 3 minutes. As a result, we obtain a significant increase in the level of power performance and, above all, endurance.

This exercise is an example of specialized exercises using the main armwrestling attribute - the table. The elbow must necessarily be in the support, and the biceps - in the position in which you are fighting or defending. Moreover, the load should be concentrated in this position, and not distributed to other angles and other muscles.


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