Dear friends! Christmas is just around the corner, right in the middle of this unsettling and gloomy time of the pandemic. It'll be different than any other before. Nobody knows how exactly it'll look like. Therefore, we should all stick to as many traditions as we can. As many as possible! Let's not hand our Christmas to the virus! ()
Of course we have to obey the laws and regulations because we'd be faced with strict consequences. We're not suggesting you break the law. Whatever the law should be. It's not worth the struggle, and it's just money down the drain. But as much as we're allowed, let's be normal and act normal.
On behalf of the crew, we wish you all good health and clear minds for the upcoming Christmas time, and for whatever comes later. We hope that each and every one of you who celebrates Christmas can meet your closest family by the festive table. And afterwards, we wish all of us, all around the world, can meet each other by the armwrestling table.
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Something funny…
Happy New Year 2021!
Dave Chaffee: “My life is pretty uneventful”
Do we need the Olympic Games?